Educational Opportunities Available in Caruthersville

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Caruthersville Public Schools
Caruthersville Public Schools
Superintendent Office
1711 Ward Avenue
Caruthersville, MO 63830
Phone (573) 333-6100
Total Enrollment
Students | Teachers | Student/Teacher | |
Elementary | 709 | 73 | 10 |
Middle School | 308 | 26 | 8 |
High School | 368 | 32 | 9 |
Annual Expenditure/Pupil: $7,504.22
Percentage of Teachers with Master's Degree or Higher: 47.8%
Adult Education: Community Education - GED
Percent Continuing to College: 32.9% attend a Four Year College, 24.7% attend a Junior College
Area Vocational Schools:
Pemiscot County Vocational School, Hayti, MO
Kennett Area Vocational Technical School, Kennett, MO
Cottonboll Vocational and Technical School, Burdette, AR
Sheltered Workshop:
Handicap Employment
Pemiscot Progressive Industries, Inc. Hayti, MO
Pemiscot County Special School District:
Voter-established district dealing only with special education and vocational training, Hayti, MO